by Michael Seiger | Aug 24, 2020 | Blog
Earlier this year, a United States District Court located in Oregon upheld a copyright registration held by Nike, Inc. for a design of “The Claw” logo depicting Leonard’s initials “KL” and his jersey number “2” within an open hand. Leonard had been claiming that he...
by Michael Seiger | Aug 21, 2020 | Blog
By: Michael L. Seiger, Esq.
by Michael Seiger | Aug 21, 2020 | Blog
In layman’s terms, a trademark can best be understood as a “brand”. It is the element of a business that makes it recognizable and familiar so that consumers will associate goods as coming from that business. Think about Nike for instance. The word “Nike”, the slogan...
by Brenda Schamy | Aug 21, 2020 | Blog
Additional uses:Additional uses can get you more (i.e. created a graphic for a show but then they want to make merchandise out of it, ads, etc.)This is not always a topic that is discussed so bring it up!Use this as a reason to request more money for more uses.Even if...